San Antonio, Texas - Oct 19, 2024
The Cuero High School Band attended the UIL Region 12 Marching Band Contest for 2024 at the Heroes Stadium in San Antonio, Texas. The event was hosted by the Lady Bird Johnson High School Band Parents and Northeast ISD Director of Music Programs, Phil Flynn.

Cuero High School Band scored ones across the board. At the Region level, the contest has only one round of performances, and the bands are not competing against each other. They are given a rating on a scale from 1 to 5 (1- Superior, 2- Excellent, 3-Average, 4- Below Average, 5-Poor).

Every Region contest has three judges that give every band a rating based on both music and visual performance, and they are averaged together for an overall rating, so a 1 1 2 would reward the band a Superior rating, but a 1 2 2 would reward the band an Excellent rating.

It is not always done by the average, however. UIL has implemented an outlier rule where if one judge is far off from the other two, their score is not factored in. This rule comes into effect if a band receives the rating 1 1 3 from judges and the overall rating remains a 1 even though the average is closer to 2. Every band that receives a Superior rating gets to advance to their Area Marching Contest with a few exceptions.