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HomeBLOGDear Zorro, Should I vote for or against school vouchers?

Dear Zorro, Should I vote for or against school vouchers?

Cuero Online News Introduces New Columnist – The Voice of Cuero,Texas

Dear Zorro,

I read the article posted on Cuero Online News, “After decades of lobbying by Christian conservative donors, school voucher legislation may finally have the votes”.  I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know nearly enough about it, but I know it’s an important issue especially since reading that Governor Greg Abbott campaigned against Republican candidates who defied him on the school voucher.

And yes, I did Goggle it but there is so much information it’s confusing and with the General election right around the corner I am determined to educate myself on the issues, and I know that school vouchers is one of them.  I want to make sure that I do not vote for an issue or a candidate that is against my own self-interest.


Dazed and Confused




Dear Dazed and Confused,

Alright, let’s dive into the world of school vouchers, shall we?

Now, some folks see school vouchers as the superhero of the education world, swooping in to save families from being stuck in underperforming schools. The narrative they are pushing is that they’re all about giving parents the power to choose the best educational path for their kiddos, regardless of their income or zip code. Christian schools are particularly fond of a voucher program.  Sounds pretty great, right?

But hold your horses, because there’s another side to this coin.  Critics argue that vouchers are more like a supervillain, draining public schools of their much-needed funds faster than a leaky faucet. This could lead to a widening gap in educational quality between public and private schools. Not so great, huh?

And let’s not forget about accountability. Private and charter schools march to the beat of their own drum, not having to follow the same regulations as public schools. This can lead to a wild west of discrepancies in the quality of education.

And if you really want to know about an issue, I always say FOLLOW THE MONEY.  Let’s add a dash of billionaire spice to this school voucher gumbo, shall we?

In Texas, billionaires Tim Dunn and brothers Farris and Dan Wilks have generously funded politicians who align with their viewpoints. They’ve made substantial contributions to a variety of political action committees that support legislative candidates who are proponents of school vouchers. Furthermore, they hold positions on the boards of several advocacy and public policy organizations that champion the cause of vouchers. Their approach appears to be an ideal solution for parents with limited income who are in search of superior educational opportunities for their children, or for those parents who desire religious instruction as part of their child’s schooling.

They are the ones funding all the trash talk against public education and banning books and the Woke agenda!

Now, why would billionaires back school vouchers, you ask? It’s not just because they’ve got money to burn. Oh no, there’s more to it than that.  They see school vouchers as a way to promote choice and competition.  And when there is competition it’s like a free market for education, and who doesn’t love a good free market, right?

They see it as a market that can be opened up to private enterprise.  They can make their own schools with their own rules!  Critics argue that these efforts can lead to a decrease in funding for public schools and raise concerns about accountability.

“Grifters, hucksters, private school peddlers–it’s all the same. Pro-voucher billionaires want to fill their silk-lined pockets with Texas taxpayer dollars, and they’re trying to buy Texas House seats to do it,” said Zeph Capo, president of Texas AFT. “Hardworking Texans deserve fully-funded public schools, and teachers deserve to be paid what they’re worth. Our governor would rather funnel money into his biggest donors’ bank accounts than fix the 10th worst public education system in the country, and that’s pathetic.”

So, while the billionaires are putting their money where their mouths are, the rest of us are left to deal with the consequences. Ain’t that a kick in the head?

El Zorro
Disclaimer: El Zorro is a fictional character created for entertainment and social commentary purposes. Any resemblance to real events or individuals is coincidental, unless specifically identified by name?  


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