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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeNewsDeWitt County and Surrounding Area Updates

DeWitt County and Surrounding Area Updates


  • When Wendel’s Jewelry of Shiner enlisted a locksmith to unlock and install a new combination lock on an old metal safe, a surprising discovery was made: the safe contained an old-style booby trap. The trap consisted of two clear glass cylinder vials, each about nine inches long. Safe manufacturers from the late 1800s to the 1950s sometimes installed such traps to thwart burglars. It is believed that these particular vials were filled with a chemical that would turn into gas upon contact with air. Consequently, the Shiner Police and Fire Departments were summoned to safely remove the potentially dangerous material.
  • Spoetzl Brewery of Shiner held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new cocktail bar, lounge.  


  • The City of Cuero, represented by Mayor Emil Garza, has issued a proclamation celebrating the 50-year anniversary of their State football Championship. Proudly known as the “Home of the Fightin’ Gobblers,” the city holds special honor this year, 2024, marking half a century since Cuero ISD’s inaugural State Football Championship victory. 6196 (cityofcuero.com)
  • The DeWitt County Commissioners have approved a Field Agreement for Predatory Animal Control, set to commence on October 1, 2024. This contract involves DeWitt County, the USDA, Texas AgriLife Extension, and the Texas Wildlife Damage Management Association Inc. It will be in effect until September 30, 2024, or until the expenditure reaches $8,000, whichever occurs first. The contract employs trackers to set traps during the coyote mating season, and to prevent undue harm to livestock.  Trackers will be paid $250 per day.
  • The position of DeWitt County Elections Administrator is no longer listed on the county’s website. Judge Fowler has stated that the position remains vacant, and the Elections Commission has conducted interviews with applicants, planning to extend an offer to one of them after the November General Election. By default, the responsibilities of conducting elections and voter registration fall to the county clerk and the tax assessor/collector, respectively.
  • Last week, an update was announced regarding the approval of a new position in the elections office. Following the General Election, the DeWitt County Elections Office will be staffed with two full-time employees and one part-time employee.
  • Unfortunately, the additional staff being hired in the Elections Office comes a little too late for the previous Elections Administrator, Melissa Alcazar.  Alcazar was terminated May 6, 2024, she had been in that position since April 2018, and all appeared to be running smoothly until Judge Fowler refused to allow Alcazar to attend her own grandmother’s funeral.  Fowler said that he was concerned that they would not be in compliance and said that he sat in her office until specific task were completed.  He appeared to have regretted his handling of the situation.  According to Judge Fowler the task in question were essential for the March 4th Primary Election.
  • Shortly thereafter Alcazar tendered her letter of resignation.  However, the Elections Commission did not accept Alcazar’s resignation and encouraged her to stay.  Then on May 7, 2024, a news release was posted to the DeWitt County Elections Office website.  In bold print it read: COMMISSIONERS COURT RATIFIES THE TERMINATION OF THE COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR. Press Release (dewitt.tx.us)
  • The former Elections Administrator said that she was blindsided with this news and denied the validity of their complaints.  Fowler in a phone interview said a complaint was received from the Nordheim ISD.  *(commissioners court minutes of complaint are shown below)
  • After Alcazar’s termination one of our staff writers contacted the Elections Commission for an interview.  The Elections Commission is made up of the following people:  County Tax-Assessor Ashley Mraz, County Clerk Natalie Carson, County Judge Daryl Fowler, DeWitt County Democratic Party Chairman Joe Sheppard and DeWitt County Republican Party Chairman Jeannie Seidel
  • Natalie Carson referred us to Judge Fowler, Jeannie Seidel refused to answer any questions and referred us to the DeWitt County Attorney, and Joe Sheppard never responded despite several phone calls and emails.  Sheppard was the only member who voted against Alcazar’s termination.   (Notes for Ashley Mraz were not available)
  • Melissa Alcazar was eligible for unemployment benefits despite the county’s attempt to deny her claim.


  • The Yoakum American Legion is set to hold a rededication ceremony for their World War II cannon, an M1 57 MM Anti-Tank Gun, on September 19, 2024, at 5:30 pm in Cannon Park, situated between the Yoakum Community Center (YCC) and the Yoakum Police Department (YPD). The local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post No. 2456 originally acquired the cannon around 1951 and 1952. In December 2000, the VFW Post members decided to formally hand over the monument to the city of Yoakum. The Legion financed the cannon’s restoration, with the LCRA contributing expertise, equipment, and labor for its refurbishment. The United States Army’s 10th Mountain Division (LI) at Fort Drum, New York, also provided additional technical support. The cannon will be placed in the triangular area between Huck St. and Business 77A, near the YCC and YPD.
  • Downtown Battle of the Bands! Come savor the food, enjoy the drinks, and partake in local festivities as you dance into the night at Yoakum’s 137th Birthday Celebration! Join the Birthday Bash and Street Dance on Saturday, September 21, from 7 to 11 pm.
    Specialty Food/Drink Trucks *$10/person & kiddos 48” and under free; Gates open at 6pm. BYO Lawn Chair. No coolers or outside beverages please!


An Interlocal Agreement between DeWitt County and the City of Yorktown for 24-hour law enforcement services for a one-year term was approved




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